WALKING WATER is about community, it is about us coming together to steward the resources we have, to empower us to simultaneously live locally and globally. Walking Water touches on all of our lives and is there to reveal that story.

  • Volunteers | Walking Water is organized primarily by volunteers. If you feel you would like to offer some of your time to creating the project then please let us know.

  • Donations in Kind | We are often needing equipment, specialized skills and products that allow us to organize Pilgrimages in a way that is accessible to those who are called to walk. This form of reciprocity is also seen as relationship building and we welcome new and old contributors.

  • Organize | Design your own Walking Water event wherever you are in the world. Ask us about Talking Water.

Walking Water is and will be such an essential part of my life. I think I still don’t grasp the impact it will have in my life. Right now there is deep gratitude and an inner growing power, an inner wisdom arising. Walking Water is empowering me to stand up and raise my voice. This is what our planet needs.

Janka Striffler • Walker & Collaborator 2017